
Introducing StayTrak Payments!

We are excited to announce that StayTrak Payments is now open for everyone, offering unbeatable rates as low as 2%. Elevate your payment processing experience with our efficient and reliable services.

At StayTrak, we understand the importance of a smooth check-in/out process for both parents and staff. Our advanced system ensures a quick and easy experience while prioritizing the safety and well-being of each child.

Authorization Verification: Rest easy knowing that only authorized adults are permitted to check children in or out. Our secure system prioritizes the safety of every child under your care, providing peace of mind for both parents and staff.

Parent Self-Check-In: Empower parents with the convenience of self-check-in. Our user-friendly interface allows parents to check their children in effortlessly, saving time for both parents and staff. It’s all about making the process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Group Check-In for School Bus Drop-Offs: Manage group scenarios seamlessly, especially during school bus drop-offs. Our group check-in feature ensures that the process remains organized, with a clear overview of all children arriving together. Simplify logistics and enhance the safety of group arrivals.

At StayTrak, we prioritize efficiency without compromising on security. Experience the convenience of our Check-In/Out system, where every child’s safety and well-being are at the forefront.

Simplified Billing – Say Goodbye to Complicated Calculations

At [Your Childcare Service Name], we believe billing should be seamless, transparent, and stress-free. Our advanced billing system takes the complexity out of calculations, ensuring a smooth experience for both you and the families you serve.

Key Features:

1. Automatic Billing Calculations: No more manual headaches. Our system automates billing calculations for all scenarios, saving you time and minimizing errors. Whether it’s rates based on age, number of children, membership status, or specific family groupings, our system handles it all effortlessly.

2. Consolidated Family Invoices: Simplify your financial management. The entire family is billed on the same invoice, regardless of varying rates or program participation. It’s a hassle-free way to keep billing organized and easy to understand.

3. Flexible Rate Structures: Tailor rates to your unique needs. Set any number of rates based on age groups, the number of children per family, membership status, or specific family groupings. Our system adapts to your billing requirements, providing the flexibility you need.

4. Discount Coupons and Item Sales: Boost engagement with discounts and additional sales. Easily apply discount coupons to invoices, and if your service includes selling items, our system seamlessly integrates these transactions into the billing process.

5. Fee Management with Tax Calculation: Effortlessly manage fees with our integrated system. Charge fees, calculate taxes, and let our system handle the details. It’s a comprehensive solution that ensures accuracy and compliance with financial regulations.

Experience the freedom of stress-free billing at [Your Childcare Service Name]. Our system is designed to make your financial processes efficient, leaving you more time to focus on what matters – providing quality care to the children in your community.

Streamlined. Transparent. Hassle-Free.

Prepaid Plans / Packages – Effortless Tracking with StayTrak

At StayTrak, we understand the importance of flexibility and convenience in managing prepaid plans and packages. Our comprehensive system ensures that you can effortlessly keep track of everything, from hours to dollars, making it a breeze to offer and manage various programs.

Key Features:

1. Customizable Tracking: StayTrak gives you the power to track prepaid plans either by the number of hours or dollars spent. Tailor your tracking preferences to match the unique needs of your childcare programs.

2. Prepaid Period Plans: Simplify your billing with prepaid period plans for a variety of programs, including preschool, after school, date night, and summer camps. Sell plans for days, weeks, or months, providing parents with flexible options that suit their schedules.

3. Versatility in Program Options: Whether it’s a short-term preschool program or an extended summer camp, StayTrak accommodates various program durations. Choose the time frame that aligns with your offerings, and our system effortlessly manages prepaid plans for each.

4. Gift Certificates: Boost engagement and loyalty with gift certificates. StayTrak seamlessly integrates gift certificates into your prepaid plans, allowing for easy redemption and providing a thoughtful option for parents looking to gift childcare services.

5. Transparent Tracking: Stay on top of your business with transparent tracking. Our system keeps you informed about the status of prepaid plans, allowing you to provide accurate information to parents and ensuring a smooth customer experience.

StayTrak is your partner in simplifying prepaid plans and packages. With our user-friendly interface and robust tracking capabilities, managing childcare programs has never been more efficient.

Effortless. Versatile. Transparent.

Center Management – A Comprehensive Overview at Your Fingertips

At StayTrak, we’ve revolutionized center management to provide you with a seamless experience. Our Center Status page offers a bird’s-eye view, presenting all essential information on a single page, ensuring that you have everything you need at your fingertips.

Key Features:

1. Center Status Overview: The Center Status page acts as your central hub, displaying crucial information at a glance. From medical and allergy details to meal information and important notes, you have a comprehensive snapshot of each child’s status.

2. One-Click Access: Efficiency is our priority. With one-click access, delve deeper into specific details and contact information. Instantly retrieve the information you need, whether it’s medical records, dietary preferences, or emergency contacts.

3. Name Tags for Quick Identification: Enhance identification with ease. Generate name tags directly from the Center Status page, ensuring quick and accurate identification of children. Streamline your daily routines and maintain a secure environment with our user-friendly name tag feature.

4. Seamless Communication: StayTrak promotes seamless communication by consolidating important details on a single page. Whether it’s a quick update for parents, sharing important information with staff, or addressing specific needs, our system facilitates clear and efficient communication.

5. Customizable Preferences: Tailor your experience to your unique requirements. Customize the Center Status page to display the information that matters most to you. From medical alerts to special dietary needs, StayTrak adapts to your center’s specific priorities.

StayTrak’s Center Management is designed to simplify your daily operations. Enjoy the convenience of having all vital information in one centralized location, providing you with the tools you need to ensure the well-being and smooth operation of your childcare center.

Efficient. Accessible. Secure.

Family Data Management – Empowering You to Know Your Families and Children

StayTrak brings you a robust Family Data Management system designed to help you understand and engage with your families effectively. With features like online registration, membership tracking, and document uploads, you can securely manage essential information and create a personalized experience for each family.

Key Features:

1. Online Registration: Simplify the enrollment process with our user-friendly online registration system. Families can easily input their information, ensuring accuracy and saving time for both parents and staff. Say goodbye to cumbersome paperwork and hello to a seamless registration experience.

2. Membership Tracking: Keep track of family memberships effortlessly. Our system allows you to monitor membership status, renewal dates, and any associated benefits, providing you with a comprehensive overview of each family’s engagement with your childcare services.

3. Document Uploads:

Streamline document management with our secure upload feature. Families can easily submit essential documents such as medical records, consent forms, or emergency contact information, ensuring that you have all the necessary details in one centralized location.

4. Personalized Profiles: Build strong connections by getting to know your families on a personal level. Our system allows families to create personalized profiles, enabling them to share important details, preferences, and special considerations. It’s a tool for creating a tailored childcare experience.

StayTrak’s Family Data Management system is your partner in understanding, engaging, and securely storing essential information. Embrace technology that enhances communication, streamlines processes, and fosters a sense of community within your childcare center.

Connected. Secure. Personalized.

Comprehensive Reporting – Unleashing the Power of Information at Your Fingertips

StayTrak transforms data into actionable insights with our Comprehensive Reporting system. From daily reports to family histories, contact lists, and center metrics, our platform empowers you to access, analyze, and utilize information efficiently. Here’s how StayTrak takes reporting to the next level:

Key Features:

1. Daily Reports: Stay informed on daily activities effortlessly. Our platform generates detailed daily reports, providing insights into a child’s day, including meals, activities, and notable events. Keep parents in the loop and enhance communication with our intuitive reporting system.

2. Family History: Understand the journey of each family with a comprehensive family history feature. Track enrollment changes, communication history, and key milestones. StayTrak ensures you have a holistic view of your families’ experiences over time.

3. Contact Lists: Access contact information with ease. StayTrak provides organized contact lists, streamlining communication with families, staff, and other stakeholders. Effortlessly connect with the right people at the right time.

4. Center Metrics: Monitor the performance of your childcare center with our center metrics feature. Track attendance, program engagement, and other key performance indicators to make informed decisions and optimize operations.

5. Report Generator for Custom Reports: Tailor your reporting to match your unique needs. StayTrak’s Report Generator empowers you to create custom reports based on specific criteria. Whether it’s for internal analysis or external reporting, our platform adapts to your requirements.

6. Contact Tracing: In times of need, our platform stands by you. The contact tracing feature enables you to quickly and efficiently trace contacts in case of emergencies or health-related incidents, ensuring a proactive and responsible approach to the well-being of your community.

StayTrak’s Comprehensive Reporting is not just about data – it’s about turning information into actionable insights. Experience the power of a reporting system that keeps you informed, enables strategic decision-making, and enhances communication across your childcare center.

Informed. Analytical. Empowered.

Effortless Reservations – Secure Your Spots in Advance with StayTrak

StayTrak introduces a user-friendly Reservation system to simplify and streamline the process of securing spots in advance. Whether it’s a one-time reservation or a repeating schedule, our platform accommodates your needs with multiple calendars and special events in mind.

Key Features:

1. Single or Repeating Reservations: Enjoy the flexibility to make single or repeating reservations effortlessly. Whether parents need childcare on specific days or have a consistent schedule, StayTrak adapts to their needs, providing a hassle-free reservation experience.

2. Multiple Calendars: Stay organized with ease. Our system supports multiple calendars, allowing you to manage reservations for various programs, age groups, or specific services. Customize calendars to match your childcare center’s diverse offerings seamlessly.

3. Streamlined Booking Process: Make reservations a breeze for parents. Our intuitive platform simplifies the booking process, ensuring that parents can easily reserve spots for their children without unnecessary complexities.

4. Special Events Integration: Plan and manage special events seamlessly. StayTrak’s Reservation system integrates with special events calendars, making it convenient for parents to reserve spots for unique activities, ensuring that your childcare center remains dynamic and engaging.

5. Automated Reminders: Never miss a reservation with our automated reminder system. Parents receive timely reminders about upcoming reservations, keeping them informed and reducing the likelihood of scheduling conflicts.

StayTrak’s Reservation system is designed to bring convenience and flexibility to both childcare centers and parents. Say goodbye to manual scheduling challenges and embrace a reservation system that enhances efficiency and ensures a smooth experience for all.

Flexible. Organized. Hassle-Free.

Employee Management – Efficient Time Tracking and Flexible Payroll Periods

StayTrak simplifies employee management with a robust system designed to streamline time tracking, facilitate manager adjustments, and accommodate flexible payroll periods. Here’s how StayTrak empowers you in managing your workforce:

Key Features:

1. Time Clock: Effortlessly track employee hours with our user-friendly time clock feature. Employees can easily clock in and out, providing accurate records of their work hours. StayTrak’s time clock ensures transparency and accountability in your workforce management.

2. Manager Adjustments: Handle exceptions with ease. StayTrak allows managers to make adjustments when needed, ensuring accurate records even in cases of missed clock-ins or outs. The system adapts to the dynamic nature of your childcare center’s operations.

3. Flexible Payroll Periods: Customize your payroll cycles to suit your center’s unique needs. StayTrak accommodates flexible payroll periods, allowing you to align payroll processes with your center’s operational preferences, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

4. Attendance Reports: Stay informed with comprehensive attendance reports. Access detailed records of when employees were at the center, providing valuable insights for payroll processing and overall workforce management.

5. Secure Data Handling: Rest easy knowing that employee data is handled securely. StayTrak prioritizes data privacy and security, ensuring that sensitive employee information is protected throughout the time tracking and payroll processes.

StayTrak’s Employee Management system is designed to bring efficiency and accuracy to your workforce operations. From time tracking to flexible payroll management, our platform empowers you to focus on what matters most—providing quality childcare services.

Efficient. Flexible. Secure.

Multiple Center Management – Seamless Data Collaboration for Greater Efficiency

StayTrak revolutionizes the management of multiple centers under the same ownership by offering flexible options for data sharing. Whether you prefer centralized data access or a more segmented approach, StayTrak adapts to your needs, fostering efficient collaboration and streamlined operations across all your centers.

Key Features:

1. Shared Family Information: Connect your centers effortlessly. StayTrak allows multiple centers under the same ownership to share family information seamlessly. Ensure consistent and unified communication with families, regardless of which center they are associated with.

2. Unified Prepaid Plans: Simplify billing and enrollment processes. Enjoy the convenience of managing prepaid plans that can be shared across multiple centers. Whether families utilize services at one center or multiple locations, StayTrak ensures a cohesive experience.

3. Franchise Reporting: For franchise organizations, StayTrak facilitates combined reporting for all centers. Generate comprehensive reports that encompass data from each center, providing a holistic view of your organization’s performance and enabling strategic decision-making.

4. Customizable Data Sharing: Tailor data sharing settings based on your organizational structure. StayTrak offers the flexibility to choose the level of data sharing between centers. Whether you prefer a fully integrated approach or a more segmented model, our platform adapts to your preferences.

5. Efficient Communication: Enhance communication between centers and central management. StayTrak fosters efficient collaboration, ensuring that crucial information, updates, and insights can be shared seamlessly across your entire organization.

StayTrak’s Multiple Center Management system is designed to optimize efficiency, providing a comprehensive solution for organizations overseeing multiple childcare centers. Whether you choose to centralize or segment your data, StayTrak empowers you to manage your centers with flexibility and precision.

Unified. Streamlined. Efficient.

Fast and Reliable Cloud Hosting – Your Data, Secure and Accessible

StayTrak takes your data seriously, ensuring fast and reliable cloud hosting with robust redundancy measures and top-tier security. We understand the importance of accessibility and data protection, and our hosting infrastructure is designed to be there when you need it.

Key Features:

1. Multiple Levels of Redundancy: Rest assured with StayTrak’s multiple layers of redundancy. Our hosting infrastructure is built to withstand potential disruptions by providing backup systems and failover mechanisms, ensuring continuous service availability.

2. Cutting-Edge Security Measures: Your data’s security is our top priority. StayTrak employs state-of-the-art security protocols to safeguard your information. From encryption to secure access controls, our hosting ensures that your data remains confidential and protected from unauthorized access.

3. Regular Backups: StayTrak takes proactive measures to secure your data. Regular backups are performed, ensuring that even in the unlikely event of data loss, we can quickly restore your information to minimize disruptions and maintain data integrity.

4. Scalable Infrastructure: As your childcare center grows, StayTrak grows with you. Our scalable hosting infrastructure allows for seamless expansion, ensuring that your system remains fast and responsive even as your data and user base increase.

5. 24/7 Availability: StayTrak is there when you need it, around the clock. Our hosting infrastructure is designed for high availability, providing you with access to your data whenever you require it. Count on us for reliability and responsiveness.

With StayTrak’s Fast and Reliable Cloud Hosting, you can focus on managing your childcare center with the confidence that your data is secure, accessible, and backed by a robust hosting infrastructure.

Secure. Accessible. Reliable.

Straightforward Pricing – Transparent and Limitless Access

StayTrak believes in simplicity and transparency when it comes to pricing. Our commitment is to provide you with a pricing structure that’s clear, straightforward, and free of complicated schemes. Here’s what you can expect:

Key Features:

1. No Limits on Children/Families: Embrace growth without constraints. StayTrak’s pricing model does not limit the number of children or families you can manage within the system. Whether you’re a small center or a growing childcare facility, our pricing adapts to your needs.

2. No Limits on Devices: Enjoy flexibility without restrictions. StayTrak allows unlimited access to the system from multiple devices simultaneously. Whether it’s staff accessing the system from tablets, parents from smartphones, or administrators from computers, our pricing ensures seamless access for all.

3. Predictable and Transparent Pricing: Say goodbye to hidden fees and complex structures. StayTrak’s pricing is designed to be predictable and transparent. You’ll always know what you’re paying for, ensuring budgeting simplicity for your childcare center.

4. Scalability Without Additional Costs: As your childcare center grows, your pricing remains manageable. StayTrak’s scalable pricing structure means that you won’t face sudden increases in costs as you add more children, families, or staff members.

5. All-Inclusive Package: Enjoy the full range of StayTrak features without worry. Our all-inclusive pricing package encompasses the entire suite of tools and capabilities, ensuring that you have everything you need to manage your childcare center effectively.

With StayTrak’s Straightforward Pricing, you get the freedom to focus on providing quality childcare services without the burden of complicated or restrictive pricing models.

Transparent. Limitless. Simple.

Personal Customer Support – Your Trusted Partner in Success

At StayTrak, we pride ourselves on providing more than just customer support – we offer a personalized and professional partnership dedicated to your success. Our in-house support team is committed to being your go-to resource for everything from troubleshooting to guidance and advice.

Key Features:

1. Comprehensive Support: Experience support that goes beyond problem resolution. Our team is here for your questions, how-tos, and expert advice. Whether you’re navigating a challenge or seeking guidance on optimizing our features, we’re your reliable partner every step of the way.

2. In-House Support Team: Rest assured knowing that when you reach out to StayTrak, you’re connecting with our in-house support team. Our experts are intimately familiar with our platform, ensuring that you receive accurate and efficient assistance tailored to your specific needs.

3. Direct Phone or Email Contact: Choose the communication method that suits you best. Reach out to us directly via phone or email for prompt and personalized assistance. Our commitment is to make sure you feel supported and heard whenever you connect with our team.

4. Proactive Advice and Tips: Our support isn’t just reactive; it’s proactive. Benefit from ongoing advice and tips to maximize your use of StayTrak. We’re here to share best practices, highlight new features, and help you stay ahead in managing your childcare center.

5. Responsive and Knowledgeable Assistance: Get the help you need, precisely when you need it. Our support team is responsive and knowledgeable, ensuring that your queries are addressed promptly and accurately. You can count on us to be there for you, offering solutions that enhance your experience with StayTrak.

Experience the difference of personal customer support with StayTrak – where your success is our priority.

Personal. Professional. Partners in Success.

At StayTrak, we understand that managing childcare services requires precision, flexibility, and unwavering support. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our All-Inclusive Monthly Service, designed to streamline your childcare operations seamlessly. With StayTrak, you’re not just investing in software – you’re gaining a reliable partner committed to your success.