Built for Drop-In Centers

StayTrak is specialized software designed specifically for drop-in daycare centers and childcare facilities. Initially created in 2004, it was tailored to meet the needs and address the complexities unique to drop-in care facilities. The development process involved close collaboration with center owners and day-to-day managers to ensure that StayTrak could effectively handle the operational challenges faced by such centers.

One notable aspect of StayTrak is its continuous improvement based on the extensive experience gained over the years. The developers have actively engaged with drop-in centers worldwide, learning about the various ways these centers operate and using that knowledge to enhance the software. This iterative process allows StayTrak to evolve and stay relevant to the changing needs of drop-in care providers.

StayTrak, LLC, the entity behind the software, was established in 2000 and is located in Wilmington, North Carolina. The company specializes in hosting and servicing “mission-critical” software for small to medium-sized businesses. This focus on mission-critical applications suggests a commitment to providing reliable and robust solutions for its clients, with StayTrak being one such specialized offering for the drop-in child care industry.